I am sorry you had a bad day, tomorrow will be better
You can’t always make everyone happy
You will feel better after you get some rest
When I have a bad day, I try to concentrate on the positive things
Everyone has bad days
Let’s have a cuddle and you can tell me all about it
Tell me something that made you smile today
I can see that you are trying so hard
It is fun spending time together isn’t it
I can see that you are working so hard on this
Tell me about what you are doing
Your ideas are so creative
Your desire to learn makes me so proud of you
I love your enthusiasm with this task
All you can do is try your best
I am so glad you asked for help when you needed it
Trust your instincts
I believe in you
Nobody is perfect, and that is ok
You can learn from your mistakes
Your perseverance will help you succeed
Believe in yourself, you can do it
Take a break and come back to it
Mistakes are proof that you are trying
I love seeing you work together
I really appreciate what a great listener you are
Your honesty makes me so proud
I appreciate it when you put someone else first
You have been such a great friend
You showed great generosity when you did that
That was such a kind thing to do
Your opinions matter
You are valuable
You inspire me
You are important
You can be anything you want to be
Believe in yourself, and you can
When you are happy, I am happy
你试过这些鼓励孩子的话吗? 你知道还有什么鼓励的话可以鼓舞孩子们吗? 学会用英语鼓励和表扬孩子。