加盟热线: 18037807760

好记又好玩幼儿英语童谣 让孩子爱上英文就这么简单!

作者:学考乐  日期:2020-07-17  点击量:860





Two Little Hands Go Clap Clap Clap

Two little hands go clap clap clap

Two little feet go tap tap tap

Two little eyes are open wide

One little head goes side to side.

Christmas Tree

One little star on the top of the tree,

Two little presents underneath for me,

Three silver ropes twisted around the tree,

Four colored lights shining prettily,

Five shining balls flowing silvery.

Oh, what a sight for you to see!

I Am Little Teapot

I'm a little teapot, 

Short and stout, 

Here is my handle, 

Here is my spout, 

When I get all steamed up, 

Hear me shout, 

Just tip me over and pour me out!


I'm a clever teapot, 

Yes, it's true, 

Here's an example of what I can do, 

I can change my handle to my spout, 

Just tip me over and pour me out!


Vegetable Song

We are pumpkins, big and round,

Big and round, big and round.

We are pumpkins, big and round,

Seated on the ground.


We are string beans green and long,

Green and long, green and long.

We are string beans, green and long,

Growing on a vine.


We are onions round and white,

Round and white, round and white.

We are onions round and white,                    

We make soup taste right.


We are carrots, orange and long,

Orange and long, orange and long.

We are carrots orange and long,

Help us sing the song.


We are cabbage green or red,

Green or red, green or red.

We are cabbage green or red,

See our funny head.


We are corn stalks tall and straight,

Tall and straight, tall and straight.

We are corn stalks tall and straight,

Don't we just taste great!


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