加盟热线: 18037807760

十一出国游 快来检查你的旅游英语词汇

作者:学考乐  日期:2020-07-17  点击量:742


Boarding pass登机牌  (noun)

 slip of paper like a ticket that allows you to board a plane.

By rail 乘火车(prepositional phrase)

by train.

Camping trips 野营旅行(noun)

trip into nature during which you sleep in a tent.

Check in 登记= (verb)

to state to an airline that you have arrived and will board your flight.

Destination 目的地(noun)

the place to which you are traveling.

Excursion游览 (noun)

a short afternoon, day or two day trip .

Journey 旅行(noun)

long travel, usually very far away from home.

Rent a car租车  (verb phrase)

to pay to use a car for a short period of time.

Route 路线  (noun)

the streets, roads, etc. that you will use to travel somewhere.


a case in which you put your clothes and other articles.

Tourist office 旅游局(noun phrase)

an office which helps tourists discover what attractions and other sightseeing activities they should do.

Voyage 旅游(noun)

distant travel, usually by ship.



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