加盟热线: 18037807760

圣诞节英文 圣诞英文词汇 圣诞树英文 圣诞老人的英文

作者:学考乐  日期:2020-07-17  点击量:840


 圣诞词汇Christmas Vocabulary

 Candy cane  糖果手杖

– Molly was sitting on the couch and eating  candy canes.

Bell  铃铛

– I was roused by the sound of bells.

Bauble/ Christmas ornament   圣诞装饰品

– A fool should never hold  baubles in his hand.

Candle  蜡烛

– I need a wax candle now.

bow  蝴蝶结  

– The little girl tied the ribbon in a bow.

Holly  冬青

– The hall was festooned with Christmas lights and holly.

Gift   礼物  chrismas Poinsettia

– All the children will receive a small gift. 

Poinsettia  (一品红)chrismas Poinsettia  圣诞花

– I need to buy & Christmas tree and poinsettia.

Wreath  花环

– A Christmas wreath hung on the front door.

Garland  花环

– She wreathed flowers into a garland.

Light  灯

– At Christmas they decorated the hall with coloured flags, paper and lights.

Candy  糖果

– Do you want a piece of candy? 

Stockings  袜子

– She has lost a pair of stockings.

Gingerbread man  姜饼人

– In the biscuit form, it commonly takes the form of a gingerbread man.

Snow globe  雪球

– He turns the snow globe and smiles at the tiny winter wonderland.

Christmas tree  圣诞树

– They are ornamenting a Christmas tree.

Christmas pudding  圣诞布丁

– The meal will finish off with Christmas pudding, a steamed fruit pudding.

Santa’s hat 圣诞老人的帽子

– I want to buy this Santa’s hat. 

Fireplace  壁炉

– Every room in the house has a fireplace.

Gingerbread house 姜饼屋

– Cherie and Kelly want you to try making a gingerbread house.

Santa Claus  圣诞老人

– The children are longing for Santa Claus to arrive.

Elf  小精灵

– In fact, Pick was an elf.

Snowman  雪人

– We can make a snowman on a snowy day.

Sleigh  雪橇

– The sleigh jingled along the snowy road.

Reindeer  驯鹿

– Reindeer roam the tundra in large herds.

Santa’s sack  圣诞老人的麻袋

– Santa’s sack has many gifts for children.

Christmas card  圣诞卡

– She sent me a Christmas card.

Chimney  烟囱; 壁炉

– He believes Santa Claus comes in through the chimney.

Menorah (Hanukkah)  光明节

– This menorah is very beautiful.

Snowflake   雪花

– A single snowflake landed on her nose.



>>>>圣诞精选:这么做,把暖心的“Merry Christmas”放进礼物里!

> > > >除了《Jingle Bells》耳熟能详的,还有哪些圣诞儿歌值得被记住?

> > >在圣诞节我们到底该做些什么呢?

> > > >儿童英语学习:圣诞节相关词汇句子

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